CAST:ING Terms Database

Concept Translation
Getty AAT
abrasion abrasion activities
abrasive abrasive objects
after-cast after-cast objects
alloying element alloying element materials
amalgam amalgam materials 300189775
amalgam gilding amalgam gilding objects 300053790
amalgam silvering amalgam silvering objects 300053990
amalgam tinning amalgam tinning activities
antimony antimony materials
armature armature objects 300184603
arsenical copper arsenical copper materials
artist's replica artist's replica objects
as cast as cast objects
as-cast surface as-cast surface objects
assembly assembly objects
authenticated replica authenticated replica objects
back iron back iron objects
base base objects 300001656
bell metal bell metal materials
bidon bidon objects
bolt bolt objects
bottom-fed cast bottom-fed cast activities
brass brass materials 300010946
brazing brazing objects 300053959
bronze bronze materials 300010957
bronze bronze objects
bubble-shaped accretion bubble-shaped accretion objects
bûchement activities
Burin Burin objects
burn-out burn-out activities
burnish burnish activities
burnisher burnisher objects
calipers calipers objects
cast cast objects
cast (to) cast activities
cast surface cast surface
cast-on cast-on objects
cast-on repair cast-on repair objects
castability castability physical attributes
casting cup casting cup objects 300196462
casting defect casting defect objects
casting from life casting from life activities
casting model casting model objects
casting pit casting pit objects
casting plan casting plan objects
ceramic shell ceramic shell objects
chaplet chaplet objects
chase (to) chase (to) activities
chaser chaser agents 300263566
chaser chaser objects
chasing chasing activities 300054016
chatter marks chatter marks objects
chef-modèle chef-modèle objects
chisel chisel objects 300023227
chiseling chiseling activities
ciseleur ciseleur agents 300263566
clay model clay model objects
close plating close plating 300233394
coating coating objects
cold hammer welding cold hammer welding activities
cold shut cold shut objects
cold tearing cold tearing
cold-work cold-work activities
cope cope objects
copper copper materials
copper alloy copper alloy materials 300010942
copy copy objects 300015640
core core objects
core pin core pin objects
core support core support objects
core vent core vent objects
core-pin hole core-pin hole objects
core-wrapping wire core-wrapping wire objects
corrosion corrosion objects 300054107
crack crack objects
crasse (in French)
crucible crucible objects 300196462
cut-back core cut-back core activities
damascus steel damascus steel materials
depletion gilding depletion gilding activities 300380173
depletion layer depletion layer objects 300380173
depletion plating depletion plating activities
depletion silvering depletion silvering activities
devest (to) devest activities
die casting die casting activities
direct cast direct cast objects
direct casting direct casting activities
direct feed direct feed activities
direct lost wax cast direct lost wax cast objects
direct lost wax casting direct lost wax casting activities
doming punch doming punch
dove-tailed joint dove-tailed joint objects
doweled join doweled join objects
drain drain objects 300052564
drip mark (wax) drip mark (wax) objects
drying oil drying oil materials
edition edition objects 300121294
editioned replica objects
electrochemical plating electrochemical plating activities
electroless plating electroless plating activities 300053999
electroplating electroplating activities 300054000
electrotype electrotype objects
enamel enamel activities
enclosed core enclosed core objects
engraver engraver agents
engraving engraving activities 300053829
fabricant (in French) agents
fake fake objects
false damascene false damascene
feed feed activities
fettling fettling activities
fibers fibers materials
file file objects 300024809
file marks file marks objects
filler filler
fingerprint fingerprint objects
finish finish activities
finishing finishing activities
fins fins
fire gilding fire gilding objects 300053790
fire silvering fire silvering objects 300053990
fire-skin fire-skin objects
flash lines flash lines objects
flashing flashing objects
flask flask 300023108
flow fusion welding flow fusion welding activities
flow welding activities
fluidity fluidity physical attributes
flux flux materials
foil foil 300160106
forgery forgery objects 300015641
founder founder agents 300025303
founder's mark founder's mark objects
foundry foundry objects 300266773
foundry model foundry model objects
foundry plaster objects
foundry wax objects
French plating French plating activities 300233403
furnace furnace objects 300024650
fusibility fusibility physical attributes
fusion welding fusion welding activities
fusion-bonding fusion-bonding activities
fusion-gilding fusion-gilding activities
fusion-plating fusion-plating activities
gas trap gas trap objects
gaseous porosity gaseous porosity objects
gate gate objects
gate system gate system objects
gilding gilding objects 300053789
graver graver objects
grog grog materials
grounder grounder objects
hammer hammer objects 300054098
hand-cut thread hand-cut thread activities
hard solder hard solder activities
hollow-cast hollow-cast objects
hot knife weld hot knife weld activities
immersion plating immersion plating activities
impurity impurity objects
in-gate in-gate objects
indirect feed indirect feed activities
indirect lost wax casting indirect lost wax casting activities
inlay inlay objects 300256033
inscription inscription objects 300028702
integral cast integral cast activities
inter-model inter-model objects
Interlock casting Interlock casting activities
inverse segregation inverse segregation activities
investment investment objects 300237989
investment mold investment mold objects
jet jet objects
joint (metal) joint (metal) objects 300003421
kiln kiln objects 300022798
label label
lacuna lacuna objects
lantern lantern
lap join lap join objects
lasagna technique lasagna technique activities
layered settling pattern layered settling pattern
lead lead materials
lead joins lead joins objects
leaf leaf 300011039
leaf gilding leaf gilding
life-casting life-casting
loam materials
location lug location lug
lock-on casting lock-on casting activities
lost-wax casting lost-wax casting activities 300053113
machinability physical attributes
major element major element materials
master-model master-model objects
matting matting activities
matting punch matting punch objects
mechanical join mechanical join objects
mechanical repair mechanical repair objects
melt melt objects
mercury amalgam mercury amalgam materials
metal plating metal plating activities
metallography metallography activities
metallurgical join metallurgical join objects
Metallurgical repair Metallurgical repair objects
misrun misrun objects
model model objects 300247279
modeling tool marks modeling tool marks
mold mold objects
mold extension mold extension objects
mold key mold key objects
mold line mold line objects
mold seams mold seams objects
mortise and tenon join mortise and tenon join activities 300045404
mother-mold mother mold objects
moule bivalve (in French) objects
Mouleur (in French) agents
nail nail objects
natural corrosion natural corrosion activities
niello niello materials
nodules (hemispherical and spherical) nodules (hemispherical and spherical) objects
nut nut objects 300048682
open-back cast open-back cast activities
open-cored cast open-cored cast activities
orange-peel orane-peel objects
organic patina organic patina materials
original model original model objects
out-gate out-gate objects
overlay overlay objects 300015611
oxidation oxidation activities
oxide layer
paint paint materials
parcel gilding parcel gilding activities 300233409
patch patch objects
patina patina objects 300065245
patination patination activities 300065245
patineur patineur agents
pattern-ended punch pattern-ended punch
pedestal pedestal objects 300001744
peening peening
pentimento pentimento objects
piece mold piece mold objects 300230916
piece molding piece molding activities
pigment pigment materials
pin pin objects
pinning pinning activities 300053018
planisher planisher objects
planishing hammer planishing hammer objects
planishing punch planishing punche objects
plaster plaster materials
plaster model
plug plug objects
polish polish
porosity porosity objects
pour pour objects
poured core poured core activities
pouring bar pouring bar objects
pouring cup pouring cup objects
pouring shank pouring shank objects
pre-formed core pre-formed core activities
precursor model precursor model activities
presentation model objects 300411654
primary cast primary cast activities
pseudomorph pseudomorph objects
punch punch objects 300235631
punch mark punch mark objects 300235631
punching punching activities
punching punching activities
refractory mold refractory mold objects 300015367
relic cast relic cast objects
relief relief objects 300053622
repair repair objects
replacement plating replacement plating
replica replica objects 300015642
resinous fixative resinous fixative materials
reverbatory furnace reverbatory furnace objects
riffler riffler objects 300023255
riser riser objects
rivet rivet objects 300036425
riveting riveting activities 300053019
Roman join Roman join objects
runner runner objects
sand sand materials
sand casting sand casting activities 300053119
sand mold sand mold
saw marks saw marks objects
scorper scorper
scraper scraper objects
scratch brush marks scratch brush marks objects
screw screw objects
sculptor sculptor agents 300025181
seam (metal) seam (metal) activities 300174726
seam line seam line objects
secondary cast secondary cast activities
segregation (chemical) segregation (chemical) activities
Sheffield plate Sheffield plate activities 300081349
shrinkage shrinkage objects 300054120
shrinkage porosity shrinkage porosity objects
signature signature objects
silvering silvering activities 300053989
skin skin objects
slag (dross) slag (dross) materials 300011790
sleeve join sleeve join objects
slush molding slush molding activities
socket and tenon join socket and tenon join objects
socle socle objects 300080499
soft solder soft solder activities
solder join solder join activities 300010993
soldering soldering activities 300010993
spacer objects
sprue sprue objects
sprue point sprue point objects
sprue stub sprue stub objects
sprueing system sprueing system activities
spruing (up) spruing (up) activities
stamp stamp objects
stylus-point engraver stylus-point engraver objects
suction hollow suction hollow objects
surface porosity surface porosity objects
surface texture surface texture objects
surmoulage surmoulage objects
tang tang activities
tapure à froid (in French) objects
targeted thickness targeted thickness physical attributes
texture texture objects
threaded hole threaded hole objects
threaded plug threaded plug objects
threaded rod threaded rod objects
tin tin materials
tin sweat tin sweat activities
tinning tinning activities 300258493
top fed top fed activities
tracer tracer objects
tracer punch tracer punch objects
transfixing core pin objects
transverse core pin transverse core pin objects
trap trap objects
undercut undercut objects
variant variant objects
varnish varnish materials
vent vent objects 300002943
version objects
viscosity viscosity physical attributes
wall thickness wall thickness objects
waste mold waste mold objects
wax wax materials
wax mold wax mold objects
wax-to-wax join wax-to-wax join objects
weld joint weld joint objects
welding welding activities
wire wire objects
wire brush marks wire brush marks objects
zinc zinc materials

Translation List